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Everglades Research and Education Center

Everglades Research and Education Center

Weeds of the EAA

Welcome to the weed science website of the Everglades Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, at the University of Florida. The Everglades Research and Education Center is located in the city of Belle Glade within the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA).

The EAA is a dynamic agriculturally diverse region with major production of sugarcane, rice, commercial sod, and winter vegetables located on the southern edge of Lake Okeechobee in south Florida . Today, the EAA covers 700,000 acres dominated by organic or muck soils (Histosols).

This website is intended to help county extension faculty, growers, consultants, agribusiness personnel, and other stakeholders with information on sustainable weed management practices in the EAA and surrounding areas of south Florida. Weed management in sugarcane and vegetables, herbicide stewardship, proper sprayer calibration, and correct weed identification are the major focus of the extension program. The research program focuses on solving current and potential weed management problems in sugarcane and vegetables. Management of potential bioenergy crop escapes in sugarcane and vegetables is also pursed by the research program.


Weed ID 

Alligator Weed 

(Alternanthera Philoxeroides) 

Livid Amaranth 

(Amaranthus Blitum)

Spiny Amaranth

(Amaranthus Spinosus)





 Common Ragweed

(Ambrosia Artemisifolia)



(Ammania Latifolia)


Mexican Prickle Poppy

(Argemone Mexicana)


Bidens Alba

(Common Beggarticks)




(Caperonia Palustris)

Southern Sandbur

(Cenchus Echinaturs)

Asthma Plant

(Chamaesyce Hirta)

Common Lambsquarters

(Chenopodium Album)

Rice Flatsedge

(Cyperus Iria)

Crowfoot Grass

(Dactyloctenium Aegyptium)


(Eleusine Indica)

Hyssop Spurge

(Chamaesyce Hyssopifolia)

Possom Grape (or Season Vine)

(Cissus Verticillata)

Speading Dayflower

(Commelina Diffusa)

Marsh Parsley

(Cyclospermum Leptophylum)


(Cynodon Dactylon)


(Cyperus Oderatus)

Yellow Nutsedge

(Cyperus Esculentus)

Purple Nutsedge

(Cyperus Rotundas)

Texas Sedge

(Cyperus Polystachyos)

Annual Sedge

(Cyperus Compressus)

Southern Crabgrass

(Digitaria Cilaris)

Coast Cockspur

(Echinochloa Walteri)

False Daisy

(Eclipta Prostrata)


(Eupatorium Capillifolium)


Toothed Spurge

(Europhobia Dentata)

Carolina Geranium

(Geranium Carolinianum)

Wandering Cudweed

(Gnaphalium Pensylvanicum)

Sweet Potato

(Ipomea Batatas)

Green Kyllinga

(Kyllinga Brevifolia)


(Lantana Camara)

Virginia Pepperweed

(Lepidium Virginicum)

Bearded Sprangletop

(Leptochloa Fusca)

Mexican Primrose Willow

(Ludwigia Octovalvis)

Balsam Apple

(Momordica Charantia)

Amazon Sprangletop

(Leptochloa Panicoides)

Creeping Cucumber

(Melothria Pendula)

Climbing Hempweed

(Mikania Scandens)


(Mollugo Verticillata)

Yellow Woodsorrel

(Oxalis Stricta)


(Packera Glabella)

Fall Panicum

(Panicum Dichotomiflorum)


(Panicum Maximum)


(Panicum Repens)

Florida Pellitory

(Parietaria Floridana)

Ragweed Parthenium

(Parthenium Hysterophorus)


(Pennisetum Purpureum)


(Phyla Nodiflora)

Saltmarsh Fleabane

(Pluchea Odorata)

Pennsylvania Smartweed

(Polygonum Pennsylvanicum)

Common Purslane 

(Portulaca Oleracea)

Mock Bishop's Weed

(Ptilimnium Capillaceum)


Brazil Pusley

(Richardia Brasiliensis)

Curley Dock

(Rumex Crispus)


(Sambucus Canadensis)

Coffee Senna

(Senna Occidentalis)

Giant Bristlegrass

(Setaria Magna)

Southern Sida

(Senna Obtusifolia)


(Senna Obtusifolia)

Spiny Sowthistle

(Sonchus Asper)

American Black Nightshade

(Solanum Americanum)

Columbus Grass

(Sorghum Almum)

Horse Purslane

(Trianthema Portulacastrum)

Southern Cattail

(Typha Domingensis)


Broadleaf Panicum

(Urochloa Adspersa)


(Urochloa Adspersa)

Alexander Grass

(Urochloa Plantaginea)


(Vigna unguiculata)