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Everglades Research and Education Center

Everglades Research and Education Center

Sugarcane Variety Development

Situation or Issue Identification

Sugarcane is Florida's leading agronomic row crop in acreage and economic value. New varieties need to be developed to improve yield and to meet changing conditions such as wetter and shallower soils, reduced soil fertility and diseases. Two recently released varieties, CP89-2143 and CP92-1641, show an increased sugar yield. If they yield an increase of 5% and are grown on 10% of the acreage, then the increase in raw sugar value could equal 2.25 million dollars per year.

Rationale for Research Support Resources

  • The sugarcane industry generates more than $800 million in economic activity in Florida.
  • Measurable or Potential Impact in Terms of Social, Economic, and/or Environmental Factors Resulting from Expenditure of Research Support Funds
  • Seventy percent of Florida sugarcane land is planted with our CP cultivars.

Sugarcane Cultivars

Collaborating Organizations/Agencies & Teaching/Research/Extension Partnerships