Root is fibrous from creeping rhizomes.
Propagation is by seed and by underground rhizomes.

Poaceae (Grass family)
Group: Monocot (Grass)
Perennial grass that forms extensive, sharply pointed underground rhizomes, native to South America. It is usually found in moist to wet areas, cultivated fields, and can grow in standing water in ditches and canals.
Leaf blades are folded or flat, hairy on the upper surface and smooth on the lower surface, 1/8 to I/4-inch wide and 1-1/2 to 12 inches long. Leaf sheaths can be smooth or hairy, usually with hairs only along the margin. Ligule is a short membrane fringed with hairs.
Stem is erect or bent, creeping and ascending, and up to 3 feet in long.