Flatsedge (Cyperus Oderatus)
Cyperaceae (Sedge family)
Group: Monocot (Sedge)
Erect annual or short perennial sedge, native of North America commonly found in disturbed wet areas such as ditches or wet spots in cultivated fields. It has no rhizomes or tubers distinguishing it from yellow or purple nutsedge.
Leaves are linear, formed in groups of three (three-ranked). Leaf blades are green, 3/16 to 3/8-inch wide with the longest basal blades as tall as the seed head.
Stem is solitary, triangular, reaching 6 inches to 2 feet tall, and longer than basal leaves.
Flowers or seed heads have 3 to 10 small, conspicuous leaves or bracts. Seed heads are tan or brown at the terminal end of the stem. Seed is brown, less than 1/16-inch long, and three angled.
Roots are fibrous, branched, and brown.
Propagation is by seed.