Dogfennel (Eupatorium Capilifolium)
Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Group: Dicot (Broadleaf)
Erect annual or short-lived perennial forb, native of North America. It is commonly found in pastures, fields, roadsides, and disturbed sites or waste areas. Generally, it thrives in dry or wet conditions
Leaves are mostly alternate even though some lower leaves maybe opposite, once or twice pinnately dissected into fine linear segments below, simpler above and hairless, and feathery in appearance.
Stem is erect, robust, can grow 10 feet tall or more, with one to several stems arising from a woody base. Stems is hairy, rough, reddish purple at the base.
Flowers are numerous small heads with 3 to 6 greenish white disk flowers per head.
Roots are fibrous with a taproot and coarse rhizome.
Propagation is by seed.