Root is fibrous from creeping rhizomes.
Propagation is by seed and by underground rhizomes.
Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Group: Dicot (Broadleaf)
Erect annual herb native of North America that can grow up to 3 feet tall. It is commonly found in moist areas or wetlands, pastures, and shaded waste areas. Butterweed often emerges in the fall and overwinters as a basal rosette. Flowering occurs in the spring.
Leaf blades are folded or flat, hairy on the upper surface and smooth on the lower surface, 1/8 to I/4-inch wide and 1-1/2 to 12 inches long. Leaf sheaths can be smooth or hairy, usually with hairs only along the margin. Ligule is a short membrane fringed with hairs
Stem is erect or bent, creeping and ascending, and up to 3 feet in long.
Root is fibrous from creeping rhizomes.
Propagation is by seed and by underground rhizomes.