Dr. German Sandoya, Jonael Bosques, and Vanessa Vassilaros were presented with the Outstanding Education Materials Awards. This involved growing lettuce in small hydroponic settings.
Jesse Murray (left) was honored with the ASHS 2024 Outstanding Vegetable Publication Award for his paper "Tocopherols, Phylloquinone, Ascorbic Acid, and Sugar Contents in Hydroponically Grown Lettuce", coauthored with Scott R. Latimer, Amarat H. Simonne, Gilles J. Basset, Robert C. Hochmuth, and Germán V. Sandoya, published in JASHS 148(3):134-147.
Jairo Arcos (right) secured 1st place for his research presentation at the Inter-REC Flash Talk-Poster Competition hosted by the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center.