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Everglades Research and Education Center

Everglades Research and Education Center

Dr. Niguss Solomon Hailegnaw

Assistant Professor - Crop nutrient management lab

Dr. Niguss Solomon Hailegnaw is an assistant professor of crop nutrient management in the department of Agronomy at the University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences Everglades Research and Education Center (UF/IFAS EREC) with 40% research and 60% extension appointments. His goal is to maximize crop yield, enhance soil health, and safeguard the environment.

  • Research

    Dr. Hailegnaw research program focuses on

    · Updating the existing fertilizer rate recommendations.

    · Implementing the 5R nutrient stewardship principles: the right source, right amount, right placement, right time, and the right amount of water.

    · Advanced technologies and data-driven solutions to maximize nutrient use efficiency.

    · Maintaining and improving soil health through sustainable cropping practices such as cover crops, tillage practices and amendments.

  • Extension

    Dr. Hailegnaw extension program focuses on

    · Providing growers with practical guidance on fertilizer rate recommendations and sustainable cropping practices.

    · Educating growers on the latest advancements in fertilizer technologies and data-driven precision farming techniques.

    · Charing the Everglades Soil Test Laboratory to ensure the timely delivery of accurate soil and plant tissue analyses.

  • Publications


Dr. Niguss Solomon Hailegnaw

Everglades Research & Education Center
Wedgworth Lab. Bldg. Rm. #113
3200 East Palm Beach Road
Belle Glade, FL 33430-4702

Phone: (561) 993-1518

Agronomy Department