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Everglades Research and Education Center

Everglades Research and Education Center

EREC Graduate Students


Hima Varsha Madala

Ph.D. Student

Hima is from India and her Master's degree is from the University of Florida. She is currently in her second year of her Ph.D. Program working with the sugarcane crop and has current dissertation topic "Identifying Quantitative Trait Loci and Developing Molecular Markers for Tillering and Ratooning Traits in Sugarcane Crop".

Carolina Tieppo Camarozano

M.S. Student

Carolina Tieppo Camarozano is a M.S. student at the Everglades Research and Educational Center at the University of Florida. Originally from Brazil, she received her bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo. During which she had the opportunity to come to EREC in an internship program (2019) with Dr. Julien Beuzelin, to work with corn silk flies. She kept the interest in working with Insect Pest Management and is now part of the UF Entomology department. Her research is focused on the management of the rice stink bugs complex, in the aim to find better solutions for growers, and on the study of their natural enemies in the Everglades Agricultural Area.

Anik Mahmud

Ph.D. Student
Soil and Water Sciences

MD Anik Mahmud is a Ph.D. student in the Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences Department at the University of Florida. Anik is working on legacy-P chemistry, bioavailability, and capture under Dr. Jehangir Bhadha (Advisor) and Dr. Jonathan Judy’s (Co-advisor) supervision. To understand legacy-P chemistry and bioavailability, he is working on three types of soils (e.g., acidic, organic, and calcareous). For research, Anik uses advanced analytical machines, such as ICP-OES, NMR, and XANES. Before joining this program, he earned MSc. in IPSS from the University of Kentucky, where he worked on selenium oxyanion removal using passive anaerobic bioreactors. Anik also earned BSc. in the Soil, Water, and Environment Department at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Simranjot Kaur

Ph.D. Student

I am Simranjot Kaur, a PhD student in Agronomy Department at University of Florida. I am originally from India where I earned my master’s and bachelor’s degree in biotechnology from Punjab Agricultural University. Currently, I am involved in understanding sugarcane mechanical planting in Florida using systems approach under the supervision of Dr. Hardev Sandhu.





Byron Manzanero

Ph.D. Student
Lettuce Breeding

Byron Manzanero is a Ph.D. student, originating from Belize. He received his master’s degree from Delaware State University in agricultural science. He now forms part of the Horticulture department at UF, his focus will be on the lettuce breeding program, investigating the host-pathogen interaction of Lettuce and Bacterial leaf spot. He falls under the advisory of Dr. German Sandoya. 


Suraj Melkani

Ph.D. Student
Soil and Water Sciences

Suraj Melkani is a Ph.D. student, originally from India. He received his Master's degree from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and technology in Pantnagar, India. Currently, he is engaged in a research project that focuses on determining soil carbon stocks and stability in the Everglades agricultural area. This project employs an integrated approach utilizing data-driven machine learning models and spectroscopy techniques. Additionally, Suraj is involved in simulating the impact of various management practices on carbon dynamics and CO2 emissions. This simulation work is carried out using the crop simulation model DSSAT.

Amandeep Sharma

PhD. Student

Amandeep Sahil Sharma is a Ph.D. student, originally from India. He received his master’s degree from Punjab Agricultural University, India. He is now a part of the Agronomy department and will be working on the evaluation of energy cane for bioenergy and sustainable agricultural systems under the supervision of Dr. Hardev Sandhu.

Jesse Murray

PhD. Student

Jesse Murray is a Master of Science student in the Horticultural Sciences Department working with Dr. Germán Sandoya. His work is related to Fusarium Wilt of lettuce, breeding and genetics. Jesse is also interested in outdoor adventuring, human health and nutrition, and international development. 


Noel Manirakiza

PhD. Student
Soil and Water Sciences

Noel is originally from Rwanda, Africa. He received his master's degree from Selcuk University, Turkey. As part of his PhD, Noel will be working on soil health sustainability and carbon sequestration in Dr. Bhadha's program.


Xue Bai

PhD. Student
Soil and Water Sciences

Xue is originally from China. She received her master's degree from Beijing Normal University, China. As part of her PhD, Xue will be working on assessing conservation farming practices within the EAA in Dr. Bhadha's program.


Vitor A. Silva de Moura

PhD. Student
Plant Pathology

Vitor, a graduate student originally from Brazil, is currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Florida, at IFAS Everglades REC, where he works with Prof. Katia Xavier. He earned his bachelor's degree in Agronomy at the Federal University of Vicosa in Brazil. Vitor’s current research focuses on investigating tar spot and NCLB (Northern Corn Leaf Blight) diseases on corn in Florida.

Tennyson Nkhoma 

M.S. Student

Tennyson Bilinkhinyu Nkhoma hails from Malawi. He is a master’s student pursuing studies in Entomology. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in agricultural science from EARTH University in Costa Rica, with a thesis on the use of bio-inputs for controlling phytopathogens (bacteria, fungi, and nematodes). Currently, he is engaged in a research project focusing on the integrated management of thrips as vectors of orthotospovirus in lettuce under the supervision of Dr. De-fen Mou.





Brynn Johnson-Chace

Ph.D. Student

Brynn Johnson-Chace is a Ph.D. student in the University of Florida's (UF) Entomology & Nematology Department. She is also working towards earning her minor in UF's Geography Department. Under the supervision of Dr. Julien Beuzelin, Johnson-Chace works on examining the movement and landscape ecology of major agro-economic pest, corn silk fly. Before joining the Everglades Research and Education Center in 2023, she earned her M.S. from UF working to rear honey bee ectoparasite, Varroa destructor, in vitro at the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory. Johnson-Chace also earned her B.S. from UF where she contributed to the development of a meta-analysis, reviewing the relationship between repetition priming and the progression of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia while working with UF's neuropsychology department. Johnson-Chace's expected graduation year is 2027.

Jairo Arcos Jaramillo

Ph.D. Student
Plant Breeding

Jairo Arcos is PhD student of Plant Breeding program originally from Colombia. He received his Bachelor of Agriculture Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a master’s degree in Biotechnological Sciences from ICESI University in Colombia. As part of his PhD, Jairo will be working on plant breeding of lettuce, improving phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) under the supervision of Dr. German Sandoya.

Yavonne Williams

M.S. Student

Yavonne is a student and the Biological Scientist for Dr. Mou’s vector entomology lab. She earned her bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Broward College and joined the lab in February of 2023. Yavonne is currently working on her master’s in entomology and nematology. She has a wide range of interests including insect behavioral ecology, vector entomology, and pollinator management.