EREC Moth Pheromone Trap Data
Gregg Nuessly
Nicholas Larsen
Pheromone traps can provide relative estimates of
moth activity within an area. A series of traps for five economically important moth pests
have been in operation for many years at the Everglades Research and Education Center at
Belle Glade, Florida. The purpose of this page is to provide growers, scouts and
consultants with current and archived pheromone trap data for use in forecasting pest
populations in their growing areas. Fall and beet armyworms are primary pests of most of the vegetable crops grown in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) and surrounding coastal growing areas. Fall armyworms are year round pests of sweet corn and peppers, while beet armyworms cause most damage on peppers, tomatoes and leafy vegetables. These pests are active year round in south Florida and serve as a reservoir for migration into north Florida and further into the southeastern United States. Diamondback moths are the primary pest of all cabbages and show the greatest amount of pesticide resistance of any of our lepidopterous pests. Cabbage loopers are pests of leafy vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower. Corn earworms are pests of sweet corn, but fall armyworms are much more common and important sweet corn pests in the EAA. Summary of Moth Activity Everglades
REC Pheromone Trap Data |
![]() Bucket-style trap for fall and beet armyworms.
Archived Everglades REC Pheromone Trap Data
Choose from selections below to view charts of 1990 to 2009 data.
Fall Armyworm | Beet Armyworm |
Diamondback Moth |
Corn Earworm |
Cabbage Looper |
90 - 91 | 90 - 91 | 90 - 91 | 90 | 90 - 91 |
92 - 93 | 92 - 93 | 92 - 93 | no data | 92 - 93 |
94 - 95 | 94 - 95 | 94 - 95 | no data | 94 - 96 |
96 - 97 | 96 - 97 | 96 - 97 | 96 - 97 | no data |
98 - 99 | 98 - 99 | 98 - 99 | 98 - 99 | no data |
2000 - 01 | 2000 - 01 | 2000 - 01 | 2000 - 01 | no data |
2002 - 03 | 2002 - 03 | 2002 - 03 | 2002 - 03 | no data |
2004 - 05 | 2004 - 05 | 2004 - 05 | 2004 - 05 | no data |
2006 - 07 | 2006 - 07 | 2006 - 07 | 2006 - 07 | no data |
2008 - 09 | 2008 - 09 | 2008 - 09 | 2008 - 09 | no data |
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Web site developed by Richard Lentini and Gregg Nuessly
Last updated 06/08/11