SEEDCORN MAGGOT: Delia platura, Anthomyiidae

ADULT: The light gray to grayish-brown fly is 3/16 to 1/4 in. long. Their wings are held crossed over the abdomen at rest.

EGG: Narrow, less than 1/16 in. long, pale white eggs are deposited in soil cracks, under clods, or on decaying vegetation.

LARVA: Full grown maggots are 1/4 in. long, pale yellow, and legless. They have a tough cuticle, a pointed head with dark retractable mouth hooks, and a bluntly truncated abdomen terminated with two brown to black spiracles.

PUPA: The dark brown, 3/16 to 1/4 in. long, barrel-shaped puparia are found in soil,. Adults emerge in 12 to 15 d.


DAMAGE: Larvae attack seeds and young plants before they emerge from soil. Damage can result in stand loss or delayed growth. Seeds in cool, moist soil or where green cover crop has been recently incorporated are more likely to be attacked. Decaying vegetation is attractive to the adults.

CONTROL: Planting to warmer soils reduces chances for seedcorn maggot damage.  Prior crops and weeds in fields to be replanted to corn should be disked several weeks prior to planting to provide time for decomposition.  Pesticides are available for pre-plant broadcast and at-plant banded applications. Formulations, rates, and pre-harvest intervals of insecticides labeled for seedcorn maggot control in Florida are listed below for sweet corn (Table 1) and field corn (Table 2).

Table 1.  Chemical control of seedcorn maggot in sweet corn
Insecticide, formulation Rate/acre Min. days to harvest Application notes
carbofuran (Furadan) 4 F 2.5 fl oz / 1000 row-ft 30 feed forage in-furrow at plant
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 4 E *** 2.4 fl oz / 1000 row-ft 35 fodder, grain; 14 ** banded at plant
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 15 G 8 oz / 1000 row-ft 35 fodder, grain; 14 ** banded or in-furrow at plant
diazinon (D-z-n) 50 W 4 - 8 lb 7 broadcast pre-plant
diazinon (D-z-n AG500) 4 EC 2 - 4 qt 7 broadcast pre-plant
diazinon (D-z-n AG600) WBC 51 - 102  fl oz 7 broadcast pre-plant
phorate (Thimet) 20 G 6 oz / 1000 row-ft 30 banded at plant, not in-furrow
tefluthrin (Force) 3 G 4 - 5 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded at plant
terbufos (Counter) 15 G 8.0 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded or in-furrow at plant
terbufos (Counter CR) 20 G 6.0 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded or in-furrow at plant
**harvest or grazing of forage or silage

Table 2.  Chemical control of seedcorn maggot in field corn
Insecticide, formulation Rate/acre Min. days to harvest Application notes
carbofuran (Furadan) 4 F 2.5 fl oz / 1000 row-ft 30 feed forage banded and in-furrow at plant
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 4 E 4 pt; 2.4 fl oz / 1000 row-ft 35 fodder, grain; 14 grazing, silage broadcast preplant or banded and in-furrow at plant
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 15 G 8 oz / 1000 row-ft 35 fodder, grain; 14** banded or in-furrow at plant
phorate (Thimet) 20 G 6 oz / 1000 row-ft 30 banded at plant, not in-furrow
tefluthrin (Force) 3 G 4 - 5 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded or in-furrow at plant
terbufos (Counter) 15 G 8.0 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded or in-furrow at plant
terbufos (Counter CR) 20 G 6.0 oz / 1000 row-ft   banded or in-furrow at plant
**harvest or grazing of forage or silage